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DGM Luxembourg Terms of Use
The following Terms of Use is a legal contract between an individual user and Dangerous Goods Management Luxembourg defining the rules and acceptable behavior of your website and services. Please update these guidelines according to your specific policies.
Welcome to the website of Dangerous Goods Management Luxembourg. By accessing our site, you agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use and are bound by all applicable laws and regulations.
Intellectual property and rights of use
DGM Luxembourg Sárl is the owner of the content of this website which is protected by literary and artistic property and intellectual property laws.
The content of this site (including data, information, illustrations, etc….) is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of this site and its total or partial content by any means whatsoever, without the express authorisation of DGM Luxembourg Sárl , is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code.
Consequently, the user of the site is prohibited from:
Any total or partial reproduction of texts, logos, images, scripts, HTML code, meta tags from the elements of the site without our express authorization is prohibited under the Intellectual Property Code.
Any copy, reproduction, distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of the site by any means whatsoever is illegal, with the exception of a single copy on a single computer and reserved exclusively for the private use of the copyist.
The elements presented in this site are subject to modification without notice and are made available without any guarantee, express or implicit, of any kind and cannot give rise to any right to compensation.
It is the responsibility of the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet network.
Reproduce in whole or in part to sell, distribute, issue, transmit, publish and communicate in any form whatsoever, the data or works protected by copyright attached to the reproduced work or data without the prior written consent of the holder of the copyright attached to the reproduced work or data.
Reuse any information for commercial or advertising purposes.
Introduce data on this site that would modify or be likely to modify the content or appearance of the data or works on this site. Copyright notices must be visible on each copy of the publication, whether it is used in whole or in part.
Any unauthorized use of the site or its content, information disclosed therein would engage the responsibility of the user and would constitute an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code.
The Publisher’s trademarks and logos appearing on the site are protected.
Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of these trademarks or logos, alone or integrated into other elements without the express prior authorization of DGM Luxembourg Sárl is prohibited and would engage the responsibility of the user within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.
Reproduction on electronic media
The reproduction of all or part of this site other than for the private use of the user of the site for public distribution by any means is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of DGM Luxembourg Sárl .
DGM Luxembourg Sárl declines all responsibility for the privacy practices and policies of the sites to which we may be linked by hypertext links and we encourage you to read them.
The information on DGM Luxembourg Sárl have only a general information purpose and are subject to modifications without advance notice. ThusDGM Luxembourg Sárl gives no guarantee as for the truthfulness, the exhaustiveness, the reliability, the relevance of the information resumed on the site as well as the related products and services and cannot be held responsible for the consequences of information which would be erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete.
Any person which, with his name, first name, his e-mail address or Facebook, Twitter, Google accounts, etc. is correctly identified on can react to any page, comment or article on the website. The expressed opinions are theirs and not those of DGM Luxembourg Sárl.
The simple sending of a comment on involves on behalf of the user, in a automatic and unconditional way, the full and whole acceptance of the general terms of use.
The personal attacks, vulgarities of language, insults are not authorised. The use of capital letters or characters repeated to strengthen the arguments is not admitted. The following actions (not exhaustive list) are forbidden: racism, xenophobia, discrimination and negationism, slander, defamation, insult, threat, impersonation, violation of the rights for intellectual property.
Are also forbidden: the use of the site to advertise, promote or spam, the publication or the sending of illegal, offensive, unacceptable, threatening, inappropriate, illicit contents and the usurpation of user names or choice of harmful or offensive user names. Any person not respecting these rules may be subjected to a signalment from other users and will see himself banished from the site by the moderator. The remarks not respecting these rules in our forums will definitively be deleted.
By publishing or by sending contents (photos, videos, images, audio or other documents) on or towards, the user guarantees that he holds the rights on these contents, that these ones are not illegal, inappropriate, offensive and that he has the right to use them and to authorise DGM Luxembourg Sárl to do so.
DGM Luxembourg Sárl is not responsible for the contents published or sent on or towards by the Internet users nor for the damage consecutive to their use. In the hypothesis where the responsibility of DGM Luxembourg Sárl would nevertheless be held by a judicial authority, every Internet user makes a commitment to cover DGM Luxembourg Sárl against any complaint concerning the contents which they posted.
DGM Luxembourg Sárl reserves the right not to publish comments or classified ads, to publish them with a certain delay or to delete them, without having to explain this decision. DGM Luxembourg Sárl also reserves the right to close or to prosecute accounts without advance notice or for whatever reason, as well as to denounce the facts to the competent authorities.
Certain spaces of the website are only open to the members and authorised users who joined the site by creating an account of which identifier is an e-mail address and by choosing a password. The access code allows the access by the user to its DGM Luxembourg session in which he can manage his profile. In case of oversight, a forgotten Password” link allows the user to receive the new password attributed by the system by email. The user is completely responsible for the use of this access code. He makes a commitment to keep this confidential access code and will have to inform DGM Luxembourg Sárl in case of theft or loss of this access code.
Within the framework of classified ads the user accepts that his e-mail address and phone number are broadcasted to the other users, DGM Luxembourg Sárl can not be held responsible for the use of these.
DGM Luxembourg Sárl can not be held responsible for some loss or damage, whatever the scale is, direct or indirect, resulting from the loss of data or profits, related to the use of our website.
DGM Luxembourg Sárl is on no case responsible and cannot be held responsible for the temporary unavailability of the website.
It is strictly forbidden, DGM Luxembourg Sárl ’s express written authorisation, to distribute or to market the contents of It is also formally forbidden to transfer it or to save it on a different website or electronic medium.
We reserve the right to modify the present general conditions without advance notice. We invite you to consult regularly this page to assure you that the brought changes suit you.
The Internet users expressly agree that the place of execution of their rights and duties resulting from the present general terms of use of the contract and from its consequences, be them substantial or secondary, is DGM Luxembourg Sárl ’s head office. Only the Luxembourg law is applicable for the execution, the interpretation and the possible consequences of the present general terms of use.
All the challenges relative to the interpretation, the execution or the termination of the present general terms of use and its consequences, be them substantial or secondary, are of the exclusive competence of the courts of Luxembourg city. DGM Luxembourg Sárl can however give up this competence clause and assign the user in front of the territorially competent judge by virtue of the common law.
This website is published by DGM Luxembourg Sárl – Luxair cargo Center, Office K-2091, L-1360 Luxembourg,
Fiscal Nbr: 2017 2476 512
VAT/TVA : LU30040429
R.C.S. Luxembourg B221785
Auth. Commerce et Formation N.10090932/0 and 1
For any question concerning this site, thank you for contacting us on the following e-mail address:
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